Te quiero como a nadie he querido
mas sufro tu silencio y tu descuido
y ya no sé mis lágrimas guardar
ni sé mi soledad aniquilar.
Porque en guijarros tú has convertido
las cándidas caricias que he perdido;
tu boca que solía yo besar
ahora quieta puedes conservar.
Y vas entre mil nombres ocultándote,
entre borrascas raudas extraviándote
y sin poder hacerte yo entender
que tu tristeza, mi tristeza es...
que mi esperanza, tu esperanza es...
sin yo saber si me podrás querer.
(Pintura "La Tempestad" de 1916 del artista británico John William Waterhouse) |
I love you like nobody I have loved
but I suffer your silence and your carelessness
and I don't know my tears anymore
I don't even know my loneliness to annihilate.
Because you have become pebbles
the candid caresses that I have lost;
your mouth that I used to kiss
now you can keep still.
And you go among a thousand names hiding,
between swift drifts missing you
and without being able to make you understand
that your sadness, my sadness is ...
that my hope, your hope is ...
without me knowing if you can love me.