jueves, 29 de mayo de 1997


(Antigua Catedral en la plaza de armas actual Parque Seminario - Old Cathedral in the current Plaza de armas actually Seminario Park, Guayaquil 1863) 

Son la música o las luces
las que dibujan tu cuerpo
o es la noche la que sube
capturando tus reflejos...

Mas tu mirada contenta,
y tu cadera jadeante,
y tu cintura perfecta,
no me parecen reales.

Mas tu sonrisa explosiva,
y tu silueta exitante,
y tu voz sensitiva,
ya me son familiares.

Y no sé si es un sueño
o si una fábula es casi
pronunciar con un beso
otra vez tu nombre: Katy.

(Pintura del artista paquistaní Mahnoor Shah)

It's the music or the lights
the ones that draw your body
or is it the night that rises
capturing your reflexes ...

But your happy look,
and your galloping hip,
and your perfect waist,
they don't seem real to me.

But your explosive smile,
and your exciting silhouette,
and your sensitive voice,
they are already familiar to me.

And I don't know if it's a dream
or if a fable is almost
pronounce with a kiss
your name again: Katy.

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