(Panoramic view of Cuenca 1943 taken from La Chorrera Avenue) |
¿Para qué insistes en un imposible
corazón?; sabes que no puedo odiar...si puede haber quien sienta tan horrible
de entre nubes naciste para amar.
(Mirador de Turi, Cuenca 2010) |
cada mañana hacia ellas subes, subes,
juegas con ellas, mas luego, con calma
observas cómo se envejece mi alma,
le da joyas, le cantas alguna canción
precisa para cualquier ocasión
y tomas las tardes de su cintura
o anocheces en alguna aventura.
¿Para qué insistes en una locura
corazón?; sabes, no puedo olvidar
a su amor, su sonrisa, su figura
nacida de entre rosas para amar.
Y creciste corazón entre rosas,
aprendiste caricias cariñosas
que de rojo te fueron a pintar,
espinas no te pudieron tocar
para que nunca estés triste, sombrío;
dilúyete en el alegre rocío
que cae de este hermoso vegetal
y por favor, no cambies para mal.
Why do you insist on an impossible
heart?; You know I can't hate ...
(Pintura del artista surcoreano J. Won Han) |
if there can be someone who feels so horrible
from clouds you were born to love.
Yes, you were born heart from clouds;
every morning you go up, up,
you play with them, but later, calmly
you watch how my soul ages,
you give them jewels, you sing them a precise
song for any occasion
and you take the afternoons from his waist
or nightfall in some adventure.
Why do you insist on madness
heart?; you know i can't forget
his love, his smile, his figure
born from among roses to love.
And you grew heart among roses,
you learned affectionate caresses
that you were painted in red,
thorns could not touch you
so that you are never sad, gloomy;
dilute yourself in the merry dew
that falls from this beautiful vegetable
And please, don't change for the worse.
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