- No conozco el amor. – indicó pensativa
- Ha de ser que no existe… –
concluyó contundente
- Quien se entrega a cualquier emoción
asegura que todo mejoró de repente.
- El amor – insistía –
es un trágico invento
donde se hunde quien ama en un mar de tristeza
y no
puede olvidar ese atroz sentimiento
que se ama tan sólo a quien tiene
Me dejó sin palabras ante tal argumento.
No era amor si podía
en sus ojos perderme.
No era amor su caricia. No era amor, era el
No era amor si creía que empezaba a quererme.
- Y la gente se
engaña – me decía enojada
porque piensa que amor es un bello final
que un
poeta escribió una noche estrellada.
Sólo existe el amor en un sueño
Pero entonces cesaron sus ataques al mito,
se rindieron sus
tesis a una nueva emoción
observando la pluma con que ella había
sin querer nuestros nombres dentro de un corazón.
- I don't know love. - she said thoughtfully
- It must be that it does not exist ... - she concluded bluntly
- Who gives himself to any compulsive emotion
says that everything suddenly improved.
- Love - he insisted - is a tragic invention
where sinks who loves in a sea of sadness
and can't forget that heinous feeling
that only loves to who has beauty.
It left me speechless before such an argument.
It wasn't love if I could lose myself in his eyes.
It was not love his caress. It wasn't love, it was the wind.
It wasn't love if I thought she started to love me.
- And people cheat - She said me angry
because think love is a beautiful ending
that a poet wrote a starry night.
There is only love in a casual dream.
But then their attacks on myth ceased,
her theses surrendered to a new emotion
observing the pen with which she had written
Unintentionally our names within a heart.