domingo, 13 de marzo de 2011

Un Poema - A Poem

(The city was crossed by estuaries, and bridge estuaries. This served to cross the first estuary, on Loja Street today, Guayaquil 1870)

Yo que tuve en mis manos todo el cielo y la tierra,
que forjara por ella una exótica gema,
yo que hallé su perfume en la costa y la sierra
y esa flor suspiraba al leer un poema.

Yo que puse a sus pies indomables tormentas,
que luché contra el mar y su fuerza suprema,
que por verla vencí tempestades violentas
se quedó junto al río recordando un poema.

Yo que fui cada día persiguiendo sus huellas
yo que anduve vagando sin país, sin emblema.
Yo que robo del cosmos fulgurantes estrellas
una noche durmió murmurando un poema

Cuando al fin yo logré despertar su atención
y encontró una esperanza este amor que me quema
trituró mi alegría de infantil emoción:
olvidó nuestra cita por leer un poema

Yo que nunca leí unos versos de amor
ni entendí de la rima o del ritmo el teorema
ni escuché entre líneas un divino rumor
le escribí a mi amada un sencillo poema.

Al mirarla exaltar cada línea leída
yo creí resolver mis tortuosos problemas.
Fui un ingenuo al creer su inquietud complacida…
insaciable me puso a escribir más poemas.

Mientras ella romántica esos versos leía,
todos ellos colmados de aventuras extremas,
algo extraño ocurrió ese espléndido día…
la dejé para hacer muchos otros poemas.

I who had in my hands all heaven and earth,
that forged an exotic gem for her,
I who found his perfume on the coast and the mountains
and that flower sighed when reading a poem.

I who put at his feet indomitable storms,
that I fought against the sea and its supreme force,
that to see her I beat violent storms
she stayed by the river remembering a poem.

I who went every day chasing his tracks
I who wandered without country, without emblem.
I who steal from the cosmos shining stars
one night she slept murmuring a poem

When I finally I got his attention
and found a hope this love that burns me
crushed my joy of childish emotion:
forgot our date by reading a poem

I never read some love verses
niether I didn't understand  the theorem of rhyme or rhythm
niether I didn't hear a divine rumor between the lines
I wrote to my beloved a simple poem.

Watching her exalt every line read
I thought I solved my tortuous problems.
I was naive to believe his pleasure pleased ...
Insatiable put me to write more poems.

While she romanticized those verses she read,
all of them full of extreme adventures,
something strange happened that splendid day ...
I left her to make many other poems.

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